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Ashgate Press
[Ashgate][Ashgate Publishing Limited]
Elenco delle opere:
Ceremonial entries in Early Modern Europe. The Iconography of Power (Marco Fratini)
[Opera collettanea]
Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theory in Early Modern Europe : from the Waldensians to the French Revolution
[Opera collettanea]
Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe
[Opera collettanea]
Early French reform : the theology and spirituality of Guillaume Farel
Experiences of poverty in late medieval and early modern England and France
[Opera collettanea]
Experiencing Exile : Huguenot Refugees in the Dutch Republic, 1680-1700
Heresy and the making of European culture medieval and modern perspectives
[Opera collettanea]
Heresy in transition ; transforming ideas of heresy in medieval and early modern Europe
[Opera collettanea]
Iconoclasm from Antiquity to Modernity
[Opera collettanea]
Infirmity in antiquity and the Middle Ages ; social and cultural approaches to health, weakness and care
[Opera collettanea]
Les hérésies et l’Inquisition, XIIe – XIIIe siècles : Documents et études. Edités par Yves Dossat
Pope Innocent III and his world
[Opera collettanea]
The Waldenses 1170-1530 : Between a Religious Order and a Church
[Opera collettanea]
Variorum Collected Studies Series
War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648–1713
[Opera collettanea]
War, religion and service : Huguenot soldiering, 1685 - 1713
[Opera collettanea]
16.12.2021 21:36 / vog