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The site www.bibliografia-valdese.com  is a joint project of the Foundation Centro Culturale Valdese in Torre Pellice, the Società di Studi Valdesi in Torre Pellice and the Reformierter Bund in Deutschland in Hannover. It has financial support from the Regione Piemonte (L.R. 25/98) and the Tavola Valdese (projects financed unter the 0.8% tax contribution scheme). The Reformierter Bund in Deutschland in Hannover will be responsible for web design and maintenance.

Centro Culturale Valdese, Torre Pellice (segreteria@fondazionevaldese.org)

Società di Studi Valdesi, Torre Pellice

General secretary of the Reformierter Bund in Deutschland in Hannover

Webmaster: Klaus Vogler (info@reformierter-bund.de)

Scientific responsability: Marco Bettassa, bibliografia@fondazionevaldese.org