Document Type:
Collective work
Peter Biller
Standard: Biller, Peter [Peter Biller]
The Waldenses 1170-1530 : Between a Religious Order and a Church


Variorum Collected Studies Series
CS 676
Date of Publication:
Physical description/Number of edition:
First Edition
Place of Publication:

Standard: Aldershot Burlington, VT

Publisher/Printer name:
Ashgate Press

Standard: Ashgate Press [Ashgate][Ashgate Publishing Limited]

XXII-320 p.
Peter von Pilichsdorf - Liber contra sectam Waldensium (1395)
Waldenses - History - 1170-1532 - Articles
Zwicker, Peter - Cum dormirent homines (1395)

Table of contents:

1.The Waldenses in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: the current state of knowledge (p. 1-23). Prima publicata in lingua francese: Les vaudois des origines à leur fin, ed. Gabriel Audisio, Turin 1990, p. 43-59;

2.The historiography of medieval heresy in the United States of America and Great Britain, 1945-1992 (p. 25-47). Prima publicata in lingua italiana in: Eretici ed eresie medievali nella storiografia contemporanea. A cura di Grado G. Merlo, Torre Pellice 1994, p. 39-63.

3. "Curate infirmos": the medieval Waldensian practice of medicine (49-67). Prima pubblicata in: Studies in Church History 19 (1982), p. 55-77.

 4. Multum ieiunantes et se castigantes: medieval Waldensian Asceticism (p. 69-79). Prima pubblicata in: Studies in Church History 22 (1985), p. 215-228.

5. Medieval Waldensian abhorrence of killing pre-c.1400 (p. 81-95). Prima pubblicata in: Studies in Church History 20 (1983), p. 129-146.

6.Thesauros absconditus: the treasure of the medieval Waldensians (p. 97-110). Prima publicato in: Studies in Church History 24 (1987), p. ...  

7.German money and medieval heresy: the wealth of the German Waldenses (p.111-123). Prima publicato in lingua francese in: Entre idéal et réalite, ed. par M. Aubron, G. Audisio, B. Dompnier et A. Gueslin, Clermont-Ferrand 1994, p. 33-47.  

8.The Preaching of the Waldensian Sisters (p.125-158). Prima pubblicato in: Heresis  (1999) N° 30, p.137-168;  

9.The oral and the written: the case of the Alpine Waldensians (p. 159-167). Prima pubblicato in: Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies 4 (1986), p.19-28.

10. The Topos and reality of the heretic as illiteratus (p.169-190).

11. Medieval Waldensians' construction of the past (p.191-206). Prima pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland XXV (No. 1) (1989), p. 39-54.

12. The Liber Electorum (p. 207-224).

13. The De vita et actibus pauperum de Lugduno (p. 225-231). Prima pubblicato in francese in:  ........, p.......     

14.The 1391 Lists of Waldensian magistri: Three further manuscripts (p. 233-236). Prima pubblicato in: Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, n. 153 (luglio 1983), p. 51-56.

15.The anti-Waldensian treatise Cum dormirent homines of 1395 and its author (p. 237-269).

16. Waldensians in German-speaking areas in the later fourteenth century: the view of an inquisitor (271-291). Prima pubblicato in francese in Heresis (1990) n° 13-14, p.199-228. 


Recensioni in: Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi 119 (2002) nr. 191, p. 149-154 [Francesca Tasca] e p. 155-157 [Carlo Papini]

Contribution in a collective work :
- The anti-Waldensian treatise Cum dormirent homines of 1395 and its author
- The Liber Electorum
- Waldenses in German-speaking areas in the later fourteenth century: the view of an inquisitor